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Seminar and diagnosis on respiratory diseases transmiting between poultry and human (Avian influenza) organized by Thai Nguyen One Health Club

28/06/2020 16:44 - Xem: 629
On June 28, 2020, Thai Nguyen Health One Club held an activity "Seminar and diagnosis on respiratory diseases transmitted between poultry and humans (Avian Influenza)" at the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry.

In order to create a learning environment, to share practical knowledge about the prevention of respiratory diseases transmitted between poultry and human, especially to understand avian influenza disease and aims to protect our health and the whole community. On June 28, 2020, Thai Nguyen Health One Club held an activity "Seminar and diagnosis on respiratory diseases transmitted between poultry and humans (Avian Influenza)" at the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry.

The members of Thai Nguyen One health Club had very useful discussion questions about the prevention of respiratory diseases in poultry when exchanging with lecturers and specialist of the Sub-Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries of Thai Nguyen province. Next, the club members visited the poultry farm model of faculty to apply the One health core competencies of systems thinking to detect poultry health-related issues such as: gaps, high stocking densities, sanitation of surrounding grasses have not been done regularly ... In addition, the members were very interested in taking samples of poultry suffering from respiratory diseases including: blood samples, throat fluids and necropsy, especially for sstudents of faculty of public health who were the first time tough and collected sampled in poultry.

  In summary, in the coming time, One Health Club will organize more meaningful activities, create more playgrounds for students to contribute to improving the understanding of One Health issues.

Author: Tran Nhat Thang - Thai Nguyen Health One Club