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Seminar on biosafety husbandry

17/10/2020 16:22 - Xem: 792
Activity "Seminar on biosafety husbandry, applying One health approach in strengthening and implementing trial research to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry for Thai Nguyen One Health Club students"

In order to create a learning environment, share practical knowledge about biosafety swine husbandry, as well as apply a one-health approach in strengthening and implementing trial research to reduce use of use antibiotics in animal husbandry, join hands to protect health for themselves and the whole community.

On October 17, 2020, Thai Nguyen One Health Club in collaboration with the International Livestock Institute (ILRI) organized the event "Seminar on biosafety husbandry, applying One health approach in strengthening and implementing trial research to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry” at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry. Attending the activity were many delegates from the International Livestock Institute, Vietnam University Network (VOHUN), Thai Nguyen Department of Animal Health and Fisheries, and Thai Nguyen Center for Disease Control, Institute of Animal Health and Center for Public Health and Ecosystem Research (CENPHER). Next, the lecturers, delegates and members listened to experts sharing about the project on using probiotics to replace antibiotics in livestock, experimental designs, sample collection, measures to prevent the circulation and spread of African swine fever and to ensure biosafety in livestock production. Finally, the members asked questions and discussed with experts on the above issues.

In conclusion, in the next time, Thai Nguyen One Health Club will try to relate with many organizations and organize more meaningful activities for students to contribute to improving the understanding and application of One health core Competencies.

Reporter: Tran Nhat Thang - Thai Nguyen One Health Club