
Faculty Introduction

08/05/2020 03:58 - Xem: 1148

The Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine was established in 1969, along with the year of establishment of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry. 

After more than 50 years, the faculty has constantly grown, developed in all aspects and always successfully completed the task.

Members of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Faculty

Faculty is assigned to train 03 university majors: Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacology-Veterinary Medicine; 02 masters majors: Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine; 03 PhDs majors: Animal Husbandry, Nutrition and Animal Feed, Parasitology and Veterinary Microbiology.

In 2020, the Faculty has 56 faculty staff (47 lecturers, 09 staffs).  There are 3 Professors (6.38%), 9 Associate Professors (19.15%), 29 PhDs (61.70%), 9 MSc (12.77%, included 4 PhD candidates). Strive to 2025, more than 90% of lecturers will have doctor degree.

For more than 50 years, the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine has trained more than 10,000 engineers, veterinarians, masters and doctors in all regions of the country. In addition to training human resources for the other country, the faculty also received and trained international students from countries such as Mozambique, Laos ... with the goal of training is the highly qualified technical staff with ethics and qualities, having knowledge and practical capacity to meet the requirements of socio-economic development and international integration. The Faculty has focused on building vocational skills and soft skills through clubs, teams and internships training course in foreign countries such as Australia, America, Denmark, Israel, Germany, Japan ... training with order of company demands.      

Along with the training, faculty staff focused on research to create products and deliver products such as Kit TUAF - CATT and Kit TUAF - ELISA for diagnosis of cysticercoids for cattle, vaccines pneumonia prevention for pigs ... measures for prevention and treatment of animal diseases, conservation of animals genetic resources, transfer of scientific advances into production practice. 

         Over 50 years of steadfast development, the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine has been honored to receive many noble awards and titles such as Third Class Labor Medal, Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister, Certificate of Merit Ministries, offices, branches ... In addition, 02 individuals were awarded the title of Labor Hero, national emulation labor, many individuals were awarded third-class Labor Medal, Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister, commend the ministries, branches and equivalent, the Kovalevskaia Prize.

          Proud of the Faculty's glorious tradition, generations of staff, lecturers and students of the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine are determining to strive to build the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine continue to develop comprehensively on a new level.

Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine always wants to receive the cooperation of you and your friends in training and scientific research, technology transfer in the agricultural sector in the period of international integration.

We are committed to always give you the best learning and working environment.   

      For more information, please contact the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

Address: Group 10 - Quyet Thang - Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen Province

Phone: 0208. 3851.426, 0988.706.238

