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University Level Projects

22/04/2021 16:56 - Xem: 719


* Animal science


1. Tu Quang Hien, Cultivation techniques and nutritional value of Moringa oleifera used in animal feed, research project code: ĐH2017-TN03-03

2. Tu Trung Kien, The use of Trichanthera Gigantea (T.gigantea) for rabbit and chicken farming, research project code: ĐH2017-TN03-04.



1. Tu Trung Kien, Within-line selection of Dong Tao crossbred chickens raising on the poultry farm of Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, research project code: T2015-08


1. Tran Thi Hoan, Developing the model of feed crop groups for practice and training purpose and feeding rabbits at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: T2016-09

2. Tu Trung Kien, Producing Omega-3 enriched meat and eggs using isa brown shaver broilers raising on the poultry farm of Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, research project code: T1016-10.

3. Tran Van Thang, Crossbreeding and evaluating growth and reproduction ability of F1 crossbred goats (♂ Boer × ♀ local) at Pho Bang Plant and Animal Breeding Center, Ha Giang, research project code: T1016-13.


1. Le Minh, Evaluating appearance features and growth performance of feathered-leg chickens in Ha Giang province, research project code: T2017- 04.

2. Tran Van Thang, Examining digestibility and metabolism energy value of some common buffalo feed using in vivo and in vitro methods, research project code: T2017-05.

3. Le Minh Chau, Study the microbiota in the fermentation of fish sauce, research project code: T2017-06.

4. Duong Ngoc Duong, Developing the procedure to produce liquid plant fertilizers from agricultural by-products in Thai Nguyen, research project code: T2016-13


1. Pham Thi Trang, Procedure of producing TUAF-Saccha probiotics from beer processing by-products used as supplements for cattle and poultry, research project code: T2018-08 GV.

2. Nguyen Van Suu, Use of Milk feed probiotics for breeding sows at pig farm of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: T2018-09 GV.

3. Ho Thi Bich Ngoc, Identifying adequate proportion of TUAF-Saccha probiotic supplementation and its effects on egg yield and quality of 'Ai Cap' laying hens at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: T2018-10 GV.

4. Cu Thi Thuy Nga, Identifying adequate proportion of TUAF-Saccha probiotic supplementation for broilers at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: T2018-11 GV.


1. Tu Trung Kien, Developing hi-tech model in goat farming for practicing and internship at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: T2019-05.

2. Do Thi Lan Phuong, Effects of green tea leaves on growth performance, disease prevention and treatment for pigs from 1-8 months of age raising on pig farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen university of agriculture and forestry, research project code: T2019-05.

3. Nguyen Thi Bich Dao, Approaches to improve reproductive productivity of French pigeons in intensive system in Thai Nguyen, research project code: T2019-20.

4. Nguyen Duc Truong, Developing the model of Artificial Insemination in Chickens for practice and internship at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: T2019-21. 

* Veterinary medicine


1. Nguyen Thu Trang, Pathological and clinical characteristics of Cysticercus tenuicollis infection in pigs raising on pig farm of Thai Nguyen University at Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: T2015-09.

2. Pham Thi Trang, Pathology and clinical signs of mice and rabbits infected by isolated Trypanosoma evansi from buffaloes in Tuyen Quang province, research project code: T2015-10


1. Dương Thi Hong Duyen, Pathology of tick disease in dogs in Thai Nguyen city and trial treatments using extracted substances from herbs planted in Medicinal plant garden of Faculty Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, research project code: T1016-11.

 2. Tran Nhat Thang, Occurrence and treatment measures of common diseases in dogs examined at the Community Veterinary Clinic - Thai 2 Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: T1016-12

3. Nguyen Thu Trang, Cysticercus tenuicollis larvae infection in pigs in Thai Nguyen province and manufacturing antigens for diagnosis using endodermal metamorphosis in Thai Nguyen province, research project code: T1016-39ut.


1. Duong Thi Hong Duyen, Trial on using areca nut and turmeric powders in chicken tapeworm treatment, research project code: T2018-12 GV.

2. Pham Dieu Thuy, Coccidiosis prevention and treatment using herbal extraction for chickens in Thai Nguyen City, research project code: T2018- 13 GV.


1. Đao Van Cuong, Developing procedure on preparation of medicinal herbs used for diarrhea treatment in pigs, research project code: T2019-19


1. Pham Thi Trang, Replacement of antibiotics in pig farming by using herbs having antimicrobial activities, research project code: T2020-13.

2. Le Thi Khanh Hoa, Treatment and prevention measures of dogs with Spirocerca lupi infection in Thai Nguyen, research project code: T2020-14.

3. Phan Thi Hong Phuc, Leucocytozoonosis in ducks in Thai Nguyen province, treatment and control measures, research project code: T2020-15.