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Project Resarch (ongoing)

20/05/2021 10:30 - Xem: 695
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*Animal Science

  1. Le MinhEnhancing productivity and effective use of genetic resource of 'Lông Xước' chickens, research project code: NVQG-2017/09. 
  2. Tran Hue Vien,  Genetic resource exploitation of the large buffalo breeds in Chiem Hoa, Tuyen Quang province, NVQG - 2018/13. 
  3. Bui Thi ThomTrial production of 'Cáy Củm' chickens in some northern mountainous provinces,research project code: NVQG – 2019. 
  4. Le Minh ChauTechnical solutions for sustainable aquaculture model to protect water environment and improve livelihoods of residents in Hoa Binh, Son La and Nui Coc lake-beds contributing to National Target program for New Rural Development,research project code: NN 2020.
  5. Đao Van Cuong Study on the differentiation process of skeletal satellite stem cells into muscle and fat cells of yellow cattle breed raising in Vietnam, research project code: NĐT.91.KR/20.


  1. Bui Thi Thom, Developing pig farming model adapted with local conditions for specialty pork products in Ha Nam province. 
  2. Le Minh,Conserving genetic resources of indigenous chicken of the Hmong in Dong Hy district and Vo Nhai district, Thai Nguyen province. 
  3. Nguyen Thi Kim Lan, Conserving genetic resources of multi-spurred indigenous chicken of the Dao in Trai Cau, Dong Hy district

*Veterinayr Medicine

  1. Nguyen Van QuangInvestigating the spread, using GPS and GIS techniques for epidemiological mapping and proposing control measures for Trypanosomiasis in pigs in Tuyen Quang province, 2017-2020.
  2. Nguyen Thi Kim LanInvestigating the occurrence and control measures of Cysticercosis in pigs in Bac Ninh province, 04/2019 - 12/2021.


*Animal Science

  1. Pham Thi TrangProbiotics use in pig trial raising in Thai Nguyen province.
  2. Tran Thi Hoan, Biolin probioticsuse in crossbred Ri chickens trial raising at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture.

        *Veterinayr Medicine

  1. Duong Thi Hong DuyenDeveloping the model of biosecurity rearing broiler under semi-extensive system and evaluating the efficiency of using Blackberry Lily (Belamcanda sinensis) supplement in the diet.