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Student Research

25/04/2021 10:32 - Xem: 704


* Animal science


  1. Nguyen Mai Hoa, Effects of male to female ratio on hatchability of eggs from Dong Tao breed at faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2015-40.
  2. Vu Thanh Chung, Investigating animal performance of French pigeons at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, research project code: SV2015-41.
  3. Le Thi Tuyet Mai, Effects of supplementing garlic, ginger and turmeric powder on growth performance and disease resistance of broilers, research project code: SV2015-43.
  4. Nguyen Cong Quynh, Effects of diets supplemented with plant leaf powder on growth of quail at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2015-45.


  1. Nguyen Thi Hang, Examining the use of TUAF - MULTIBIO probiotics for chickens at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2016-04.  
  2. Pham Van Hoan, Effects of time of nestlings leaving the nest on growth performance of the offsprings and fertility of parental French pigeons at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, research project code: SV2016-05.
  3. Nguyen Thi Tam, Evaluating growth performance and use of Total Grow inoculants for broilers in poultry farm, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2016-06.
  4. Luong Van Khai, Effects of Biovet use on growth performance of 1 to 4 week-old quails at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2016-09.
  5. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Effects of Multi - Bio probiotics on Colibacillosis resistance and growth performance of 1-21 day-old piglets at practice farm, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2016-12.
  6. Huynh Thuy Trang, Trial on TUAF - MULTIBIO probiotic use for pigs at practice farm, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code:  SV2016-13.


  1. Vu Van Chien, Effects of supplementing garlic powder on egg production and disease resistance of quail spawn, research project code: SV2017 – 22.
  2. Tran Ngoc Bich, Evaluating the use pre-starter feed for piglets from 5 - 28 days old at practice farm, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2017-25.
  3. Bui Thi Linh, Effects of supplementing spore-based probiotics for laying hens at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV 2017 – 26.
  4. Pham Thi Bien, Effects of Aminomix-Polyvit bio-product on prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in pigs at practice farm, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV 2017 – 27.
  5. Dao Thi Hoa, Effects of Elac probiotics on growth performance of broilers at poultry farm of Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV 2017 – 28.
  6. Hoang Anh Thang, Processing biological bedding from herbs to reduce disease occurrences in poultry, research project code: SV 2017 – 29.
  7. Pham Dong, Examining growth performance, sexual maturity, and egg yield of TC ducks raising without bathing in Thai Nguyen, research project code: SV 2017 – 30.
  8. Tran Van Hai, Appearance and growth features of 'Móng' chicken breed at poultry farm of Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2017 – 31.


  1. Dang Thi Minh, Effects of supplementing "Milk feed" probiotics on growth performance and feed conversion of crossbred Ri chickens at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-31.
  2. Ly Duong, Effects of supplementing "Milk feed" probiotics on growth performance and feed conversion of LV hens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-32.
  3. Ma Thi Kim Thoa, Effects of supplementing 'Respol' probiotics on growth performance and feed conversion of  LV hensin the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-33.  
  4. Bui Mai Lan, Dietary supplementation with TUAF-Saccha probiotic for Dominant chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-34.
  5. Nguyen Duy Tinh, Effect of dietary supplementation with moringa powder on growth performance and feed conversion of Dominant chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-35.
  6. Lam Thi Phuong Thao, Effects of dietary supplementation with gigantea leaf powder on growth performance and feed conversion of Dominant chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-36.
  7. Tran Trung Hai, Effects of dietary supplementation with moringa powder on laying performance of Dominant chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-37.
  8. Ngo Quang Trung, Effects of dietary supplementation with gigantea leaf powder aying performance of Dominant chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-38.
  9. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang, Effects of diferent supplementing proportions of garlic powder on growth performance and disease resitance of Dominant chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code:  SV2018-39.  
  10.  Nguyen Thi Trang, Effects of "Milk feed" probiotic supplementation on gastrointestinal and respiratory disease resistance of Dominant chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-39.
  11.  Luong Thi Minh Thuan, Effects of "Respol" probiotic supplementation on gastrointestinal and respiratory disease resistance of LV chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-41.
  12.  Le Van Hoan, Evaluating reproductive performance of Dominant chickens at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-46.
  13.  Hoang Van Hoan, Evaluating reproductive performance of LV chickens at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-47.


  1. Nguyen Van Binh, Investigating 'SUPPER CLEAN' probiotic supplementation for chickens at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2019-11.
  2. Vu Chi Cong, Assessing animal performance of crossbred Ho x LV chickens at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, research project code: SV2019-12.
  3. Loc Nguyen Kieu Nga, Evaluating the animal performance of crossbred Ac x Ai Cap chickens at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, research project code: SV2019-13.
  4. Vu Thi Hoai, Effects of gigantea leaf powder on growth performance of broilers in Thai Nguyen, research project code: SV2019-14.
  5. Ngo Thi Duyen, Effects of 'Milk feed' supplementation on egg yield and quality of Dominant 723 strain during the period of 42 to 60 weeks of age at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code:  SV2019-16.
  6. Dang Thi Le, Effect of composting worms (Perionyx excavatus) supplementation on growth performance of broilers at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2019-17.
  7. Nguyen Thi Thao, Effects of the addition of gigantea leaf powder on egg yield of 40 to 50 week-old dominant hens  at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2019-18.
  8. Do Ngoc Bich, Animal performance and biological characteristics of the H’Mông chickens kept in Thai Nguyen, research project code: SV2019-20.
  9. Nguyen Thanh Trung, Growth and maturity performance of Ri chickens from 1 to 10 weeks of age at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2019-21.
  10.  Bui Thi Sau, Effects of 'Algimun' on the growth performance of broilers at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2019-23.
  11.  Tran Van Thang, Assessing animal performance of French pigeons in intensive based system at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2019-24.
  12.  Tran Cong Minh, Evaluating growth performance of 1-10 week old Tan Ho chickens  at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2019-25.


  1. Vu Hoang Anh, Efficiency of using biobed for chicken farming in comparison with traditional chicken farming, research project code: SV2020-02.
  2. Nguyen Nam Truong, Effects of probiotics on growth performance of quails at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2020-03.
  3. Vu Ngoc Tam, Effects of 'probio Livest - 1' supplementation on growth performance of 'Luong Hue' chickens  at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2020-04.
  4. Luong Duy Binh, Investigating growth performance and meat production of crossbred Mia x Sasso chickens (♂Mia x♀SASSO) sexed separately kept from 1 - 84 days of age, research project code: SV2020-07.
  5. Hoang Thi Hoai, Investigating growth performance and meat production of crossbred Mia x ISA JA57 chickens (♂Mía x ♀ISA JA57) sexed separately kept from 1 - 84 days of age, research project code: SV2020-09.  
  6. Mac Van Hai, Investigating growth performance and meat production of F2 chickens (3/4 Mía +1/4 Lương Phượng) sexed separately kept from 1 - 84 days of age, research project code: SV2020-10.
  7. To Huong Quynh, Investigating growth performance and meat production of crossbred Mia x Luong Phuong chickens (♂Mía x ♀Lương Phượng) sexed separately kept from 1 - 84 days of age, research project code: SV2020-11.
  8. Pham Van Tu, Testing probiotic supplements produced by Institute of Life Sciences for chicken raising on Poultry Farm of Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2020-14.

* Veterinary medicine


  1. Đang Van Lanh, Surveillance and treatment of Common pig diseases at practice farm, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2015-42.
  2. Tran Van Hai, Assessing bacterial pollution variables at poultry farm of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry and suggesting improvement measures, research project code: SV2015-44.
  3. Nguyen Thi Quyen, Epidemiological characteristics of heterakis gallinarum infection in chickens at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2015-46.
  4. Nguyen Thi Thanh, Effects of supplementing garlic on growth performance and gastrointestinal disease resistance in crossbred chickens (F1) (Mia x Luong Phuong) at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2015-47
  5. Lang Thi Phuong, Epidemiological characteristics and prevention and treatment measures of histomoniasis in chickens at poultry farm of faculty of animal science and veterinary medicine, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2015-48.


  1. Nguyen Van Huy, Occurrence obstetric diseases in the imported sows at pig farm of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry and testing treatment protocols, research project code: SV2016-07.
  2. Le Van Linh, Infectious situation and treatment protocols for Coccidiosis in quails in poultry farm, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2016-08.
  3. Đoan Xuan Nguyen, Situation and control measures of microbiological pollution of wastewater sources and river water around livestock farms and slaughterhouses in Thai Nguyen city, research project code: SV2016-10.
  4. Đinh Thi Yen, Epidemiological, clinical characteristics and treatment protocols of Ascaris in pigs in pig farm Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2016-11.
  5. Nguyen Ba Hai, Evaluationg levels of bacterial contamination in pork sold at some markets in Lang Son city, research project code: SV2016-14.
  6. Ma Văn Trinh, Assessing hematological variables of cattle and poultry raised at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry and some areas of Thai Nguyen city, research project code: SV2016-14


  1. Nguyen Ngoc Tu, Prevalence, prevention and treatment measures of infectious and parasitic diseases in dogs and cats at the Community Veterinary Clinic, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2016-15.
  2. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Study on Yeast dermatitis or Malassezia dermatitis in dogs in Thai Nguyen province and proposing treatment protocols, research project code: SV2017-23.


  1. Duong Thanh Trung, Prevalence and treatment and prevention measures of coccidiosis in LV chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-42.
  2. Pham Xuan Cong, Investigating the occurrence of coccidiosis in LV chickens in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-43.
  3. Bui Thanh Binh, Investigating the occurrence of CRD in LV chickens  in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-44.
  4. Nguyen Thi Kim Hong, Investigating the occurrence of CRD in Dominant chickens  in the rearing period at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2018-45
  5. Hoang Trong Phuoc, Processing medicinal herbal from areca nut powder and turmeric starch for tapeworm treatment in dogs and cats, research project code: SV2018-04/UT.


  1. Đo Hong Van, Clinical, physiological and biochemical variables of dog blood samples with diarrhea and enteritis and trial treatment at Community Veterinary Clinic - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code:  SV2019-09.
  2. Đo Quang Huy, Epidemiological and clinical features and treatment measures of ascaridiasis in chickens in Thai Nguyen city, research project code: SV2019-10.
  3. Nguyen Thi Ha Trang, Developing the process of making medicinal herb from Caesalpinia sappan and guava leaves used for diarrhea treatment in pigs, research project code: SV2019-15.
  4. Đang Thi Thanh Hieu, Making soap from natural ingredients, research project code: SV2019-19.
  5. Nguyen Hoang Ha, Treatment using 'Xuân Hoa' leaves (Pseuderanthemum palatiferum) for E.coli infected chickens in Thai Nguyen City, research project code: SV2019-22


  1. Chu Thi Thanh Nga, Investigating antibacterial properties of extract substances from Piper sarmentosum and its use for gastrointestinal disease treatment for cattle and poultry, research project code: SV2020-01.
  2. Le Van Quan, Occurrence and prevention measures of roundworm infection in dogs in some wards and communes of Thai Nguyen city, research project code: SV2020-06.
  3. Ha Thi Kim Anh, Evaluating the prevalence of Chronic respiratory disease incidence (CRD) and  different prevention and treatment measures in quails at Center for Training and Research on Plant and Animal Breeding, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2020-08
  4. Bui Tuyet Ngan, Occurrence and treatment of external parasite infection in dogs and at Community Veterinary Clinic - Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, research project code: SV2020-12.
  5. Le Thi Thanh Tam, Prevalence of Salmonella infection in breeding sows and epidemiological characteristics of post-weaning diarrhea syndrome in some pig farms in Thai Nguyen city and suggesting prevention and treatment measures, research project code: SV2020-13.
  6. To Anh Tuan, Gross and Microscopic Pathological Changes of fowl typhoid in chicken flocks in Thai Nguyen, research project code: SV2020-15.