Home RESEARCH Ongoing research projects Provinceal Level Projects

Provinceal Level Projects (Ongoing)

20/04/2021 15:58 - Xem: 899


* Animal science


  1. Bui Thi Thom, Developing pig farming model adapted with local conditions for specialty pork products in Ha Nam province.
  2. Le Minh, Conserving genetic resources of indigenous chicken of the Hmong in Dong Hy district and Vo Nhai district, Thai Nguyen province.
  3. Nguyen Thi Kim Lan, Conserving genetic resources of multi-spurred indigenous chicken of the Dao in Trai Cau, Dong Hy district.

        * Veterinary Medicine

  1. Nguyen Van QuangInvestigating the spread, using GPS and GIS techniques for epidemiological mapping and proposing control measures for Trypanosomiasis in pigs in Tuyen Quang province, 2017-2020.
  2. Nguyen Thi Kim LanInvestigating the occurrence and control measures of Cysticercosis in pigs in Bac Ninh province, 04/2019 - 12/2021.