Home RESEARCH Completed research projects Provinceal Level Projects

Provinceal Level Projects

22/04/2021 15:36 - Xem: 682


* Animal science

1. Tran Van Phung, Conserving and managing genetic resources of 'Cỏ' goats ('Nản' goats) in Dinh Hoa, Thai Nguyen province.

2. Bui Thi Thom, Evaluating and breeding selection of Đông Khê pig breed for socio-economic development in Cao Bang province.

* Veterinary medicine

1. NguyenThi Kim Lan, Investigating epidemiological characteristics and suggesting measures to prevent and reduce negative effects of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) infection in pigs in Bac Ninh province, 2015-2016.

2. Nguyen Van Quang, Investigating the spread, using GPS and GIS techniques for epidemiological mapping and proposing control measures for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in Tuyen Quang province, 2016-2017.