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International Publications

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In 2015

  1. Chau Minh Le, Claire Donnay – Moreno, Sandrine Bruzac, Resgis Baron, Huong Thi My Nguyen and Jean Pascal (2015), 1. Proteolysis of Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and Anchovy (Stolephorus commersonii) by Commercial Enzymes in Saline Solutions. Food Technol. Biotechnol. 53 (1) 87–90

  1. Bansemer S., James O Harris, Jian G Qin., Louise R.Adam., Duong.N . Duong., Hoang, David AJ. Stone (2015), Growth and feed utilisation of greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) in response  to  water temperatures and increasing dietary protein levei,  Aquaculture ., 436, pp 13-20

  1. Nguyen Duy Hoan (2015), Influence of time and the replacement rate of soybean oil by flax oil in the Leghorn hen’diet on polysaturated fatty acid profile in eggs. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. ISI/Scopus Journals list, Q3, H-Index: 26, SJR 2019: 0.34. USA; ISSN: 2161-6256

doi: 10.17265/2161-6256/2015.02.007                                         

In 2016

  1. Doan Q. Khanh, Vandeputte Marc, Chatain Beatrice, Haffray Pierrick, Vergnet Alain, Breuil Gilles and Allal Francois (2016), Genetic variation of resistance to Viral Nervous Necrosis and genetic correlations with production traits in wild populations of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), Aquaculture.

  1. Tu Quang Hien, Nguyen Duy Hoan, Tran Thi Hoan, Tu Quang Trung (2016), Egg Production Performance of the Local Ri Hen and its Crossbreeds with ISA - Brown Strain in Semi - Intensive Conditions, Bugarian - Journal of Agricultural Science, 22(1)p: 87 – 91.

  1. Tu Quang Hien, Nguyen Duy Hoan, Tran Thi Hoan, Tu Quang Trung (2016), Relation between carotenoids content in egg yolk and its crossbreeds with isa - brown strain in semi - intensive conditions., Bugarian - Journal of Agricultural Science, 22(1)p: 92 – 98.

  1. Hoang Hai, T., Qin, J., Stone, D., Harris, J.O., Duong, D.N. and Bansemer, M.S. (2016), Colour changes of greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata Donovan) fed fresh macroalgae and dried algal supplement, Aquaculture , 456, pp. 16-23.

  1. Hoang Hai, T., Qin, J., Stone, D., Harris, J.O., Duong, D.N. and Bansemer, M.S. (2016), Dietary inclusions of dried macroalgae meal in formulated diets improve the growth of greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata). Journal of Applied Phycology, 28(6), pp. 3645-3658.

  1. Bansemer, M.S., Qin, J.G., Harris, J.O., Duong, D.N., Hoang, T.H., Howarth, G.S., Stone, D.A. (2016), Growth and feed utilisation of greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) fed nutrient enriched macroalgae. Aquaculture .452, pp. 62-68

  1. Duong N. Duong, Jian Qin, James O. Harris, Thanh H. Hoang, Matthew S. Bansemer, Krishna - Lee Currie, Ashley Dowell, Kim-Yen Phan - Thien, David A.J. Stone. (2016), Effects of dietary green tea extract, grape seed extract and peanut extract supplementation on metabolism and survival of greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata Donovan) at high temperature.Aquaculture . 464, pp. 364-373

  1. Hoang Hai Thanh, David A.J. Stone, Duong Ngoc Duong, Matthew S. Bansemer, James O. Harris, Jian G. Qin.(2017), Colour change of greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata Donovan) fed formulated diets containing graded levels of dried macroalgae meal, Aquaculture, 468, pp. 278–285.

9. Nguyen Duy Hoan, Mai Anh Khoa (2016), The Effect of Different Levels of Sesame Oil on Productive Performance, Egg yolk and Blood serum Lipid profile in Laying Hens. Open Journal of Animal Sciences (OJAS).ISSN: 2161-7627 IF: 0.45


In 2017

  1. Tu Quang Hien, Tran Thị Hoan, Mai Anh Khoa, Tu Trung Kien, Phan Thu Huong, Hoang Thi Hong Nhung (2017), Nutrient digestibility determination of Cassava, Leucaena, Stylosanthes, Moringa and Trichanthera leaf meals in chickens, Bulgarian journal of agricultural science.

  1. Tu Quang Hien, Tran Thi Hoan, Mai Anh Khoa, Tu Trung Kien, Tu Quang Trung (2017), The effect of some leaf meal kinds as a supplement in the basal diet on Luong Phuong broiler performance, Bulgarian journal of agricultural science.


  1. Tu Quang Hien, Tran Thi Hoan, Mai Anh Khoa, Tu Trung Kien, Tu Quang Trung (2018), Comparison on the effects of several leaf meal kinds included in diets of laying hens on egg yield and quality. Journal of Animal Science, Bulngari.

  1. Nguyen Viet Don, Le van Hung, Nguyen Vu Quang, Malau - Aduli BS, Nichols PD, Malau - Aduli AEO (2017). Omega - 3 Long - Chain Fatty Acids in the Heart, Kidney, Liver and Plasma Metabolite Profiles of Australian Prime Lambs Supplemented with Pelleted Canola and Flaxseed Oils. Nutrients, 9 (8), 893.

In 2018

  1. Tran Thị Hoan, Tu Trung Kien, Tu Quang Trung, Mai Anh Khoa, Tu Quang Hien (2018), Study on cultivation of cassava, leucaena and stylosanthes grass for leaf meal production for chicken diet supplement, Journal of Animal Science, Bulngari

  1. . Nguyen Vu Quang, Le Van Hung, Nguyen Viet Don, Malau-Aduli BS, Nichols PD, Malau-Aduli AEO (2018). Supplementing Grazing Dairy Ewes with PlantDerived Oil and RumenProtected EPA+DHA Pellets Enhances HealthBeneficial n−3 LongChain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Sheep Milk. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 120 (6): 1700256.
  2. Nguyen Vu Quang, Le Van Hung, Nguyen Viet Don, Nish P, Otto JR, Malau-Aduli BS, Nichols PD, Malau-Aduli AEO (2018). Supplementing dairy ewes grazing low quality pastures with plant-derived and rumen-protected oils containing Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid pellets increases body condition score and milk, fat, and protein yields. Animals 8 (12): 241.

  1. Le Van Hung, Nguyen Vu Quang, Nguyen Viet Don, Malau-Aduli BS, Nichols PD, Malau - Aduli AEO (2018). Nutritional Supplements Fortified with Oils from Canola, Flaxseed, Safflower and Rice Bran Improve Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Australian Prime Lambs. Animals 8 (12): 231.

  1. Le Van Hung, Nguyen Vu Quang, Nguyen Viet Don, Otto JR, Malau-Aduli BS, Nichols PD, Malau-Aduli AEO (2018). Enhanced Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Contents in Muscle and Edible Organs of Australian Prime Lambs Grazing Lucerne and Cocksfoot Pastures. Nutrients 10 (12): 1985.

In 2019

  1. Pham Van Thong, Nguyen Thu Quyen (2019), Observations of threatened Asian box turtles (Cuora spp.) on trade in Vietnam, Herpetological Journal

  1. 2. Nguyen Duy Hoan, Mai Anh Khoa. Omega - 3 Fatty Acid Enrichment Capacity in Egg Yolks from Laying Hens Fed either Corn Germ Oil or Corn Germ Meal, JSM Veterinary Medicine and Research. › jsmvmr822543


3. Nguyen Vu Quang, Malau-Aduli BS, Cavalieri J, Nichols PD, Malau-Aduli AEO (2019). Enhancing omega - 3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid content of dairy - derived foods for human consumption. Nutrients 11(4), 743.

4. Nguyen Vu Quang, Le HV, Nguyen DV, Malau - Aduli BS, Nichols PD, Malau-Aduli AEO (2019). Enhancement of dairy sheep cheese eating quality with increased omega - 3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Journal of Dairy Science 102 (1), 211-222

5. Le HV, Nguyen DV, Nguyen Vu Quang, Malau - Aduli BS, Nichols PD, Malau-Aduli AEO (2019). Fatty acid profiles of muscle, liver, heart and kidney of Australian prime lambs fed different polyunsaturated fatty acids enriched pellets in a feedlot system. Scientific Reports, 9 (1), 1238.

6. Malau-Aduli AEO, Nguyen DV, Le HV, Nguyen Vu Quang, Otto JR, Malau-Aduli BS, Nichols PD (2019). Correlations between growth and wool quality traits of genetically divergent Australian lambs in response to canola or flaxseed oil supplementation. PLoS One, 14 (1), e0208229.

In 2020

  1. Hoang Hai Thanh, David A.J. Stone, Duong N. Duong, James O. Harris, Jian G. Qin (2020), Changes of body colour and tissue pigments in greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata Donovan) fed macroalgal diets at different temperatures, Aquaculture Research 51(12), pp.5175-5183.

  1. Duong N. Duong, David A.J. Stone,  Jian G. Qin,  Matthew S. Bansemer,  James O. Harris (2020), Energy budgets for Greenlip Abalone (Haliotis laevigata Donovan) fed live macroalgae compared to commercial formulated diets, Aquaculture Research 51(12), pp.4948-4960.

  1. Duong N. Duong, Jian Qin, James O. Harris, Thanh H. Hoang, Matthew S. Bansemer, David A.J. Stone (2020), Improvement in energy allocation in Greenlip Abalone (Haliotis laevigata Donovan) fed diets substituted with different types and levels of macroalgal meal.Aquaculture 531, p.735816

  1. Tu Trung Kien, T. T., M. A. Khoa, T. T. Hoan, T. Q. Hien (2020), Effect of cutting intervals on yield and quality of green fodder Trichanthera gigantea, AGROFOR inter. Journal,

  1. Pham Van Hieu, Liugang Kan, Jinyu Huang, Yanqiang Geng, Wenrui Zhen, Yuming Guo, Waseem Abbas and Zhong Wang (2020), Dietary encapsulated essential oils and organic acids mixture improves gut health in broiler chickens challenged with necrotic enteritis, Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology


  1. Wenrui Zhen, Pham Van Hieu (2020), Dietary yeast β-glucan supplementation improves eggshell color and fertile eggs hatchability as well as enhances immune functions in breeder laying hens, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.

In 2021

  1. Thom B T, Phung T V and Hoan N D. Genetic diversity and productivity of the Cay Cum chicken, special native chicken breed of Vietnam. , SJR (2019): 0.22, Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 33, Article #16. ISI/Scopus Journals list, Q4 H-Index: 26, SJR (2019): 0.22.
  1. Nguyen Duy Hoan, Truong Huu Dung, Phung Duc Hoan and Tran Van Thang. Effect of supplementation of green tea extract on blood corticosterone concentration and growth performance in heat-stressed broiler. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 33, Article #16. ISI/Scopus Journals list, Q4 H-Index: 26, SJR (2019): 0.22
  2. Duy Hoan N, Huu Dung T, Thi Ngan N, Hong Phuc P T, Trung Kien T and Duc Hoan P. Effect of green tea extract and vitamin C mix on growth performance and corticosterone concentration in heat - stressed broilers. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 33, Article #30. ISI/Scopus Journals list, Q4 H-Index: 26, SJR (2019): 0.22.


In 2015

  1. Dang Xuan Binh, Pham Thi Phuong Lan and Dang Ngoc Luong (2015), A Research on Active Immunity of the Buffaloes and Cows Against in Bovine Pasteurellosis in Northern Mountainous Provinces of Vietnam, Research Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 8(2) pp.14-23

  1. Dang Xuan Binh, Pham Thi Phuong Lan and Dang Ngoc Luong (2015), A Research on Epidemiological Characteristics of Bovine Pasteurellosis in Northern Mountainous Provinces of Vietnam, Research Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences,  8(2) pp. 1-13.

  1. Dang Xuan Binh, Dang Thi Mai Lan, Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen (2015), Indentification and Characterrization of Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria In Fresh Pork At Public Markets In The North of Vietnam,Research Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences,  8(2) pp. 24-32

  1. Lan N.T.K., Quyen N.T., Van C., Nang N.T (2015) Study on Toxocaracanis in Experimentaly Infected Dogs by Toxocaracanis. International Journal of Agricultural Technology 2015 – Association of Agricultural Technology in Southest Asia (AATSEA), pp. 2577-2588

  1. N.T.Quyen, N.T.K. Lan, C.Van, N.T. Nang (2015), A Study on Prevalence of Intestinal Nematodes in Dogs in Phutho Province, International Journal of Agricultural Technology 2015 – Association of Agricultural Technology in Southest Asia (AATSEA),pp. 2563-2576


In 2016

  1. Dang Xuan Binh,  Dam Thi Phuong Mai (2016), Epidemic Characteristics of Foot and Mouth Disease on the Buffaloes and Cows in Lang Son Province, Vietnam, Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 4(4) pp; 62-71

  1. Dang Xuan Binh,  Nguyen Thi Thu Ha (2016), A Study on the Prevalence and Virulence of Avian Influenza, Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 4(4)p: 52-61

  1. Dao Van Cuong and et al (2016),Methylmercury affects cerebrovascular reactivity to angiotensin II and acetylcholine via Rho-kinase and nitric oxide pathways in mice, Life Sciences , 147, pp. 30–38, 2

  1. Dao Van Cuong and et al (2016),Pharmacological characteristics of Artemisia vulgaris L. in isolated porcine basilar artery, Journal of Ethnopharmacology , 182, pp. 16–26

  1. Nguyen Thi Kim Lan, Pham Dieu Thuy, Dao Thi huong Dao Van Cuong (2016), the effects of essential oils extracted from medicinal plants: allium sativum L, cymbopogon ssp., eupatorium forture turcz, cinnamomum cassia BL on parasitic chiggers of chicken, international Journal of Medical research and Pharmaceutical Sciences.vol 3(7): 8-15


  1. Nguyen Thi Kim Lan, Pham Dieu Thuy, Dao Van Cuong, Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha, Do The Manh (2016), A Study on the Acaricidal Effects of Extracts from Nicotiana rustica L. and Stemona tuberosa Lour on Dog Ticks. Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.2(12): pp. 369-376.

In 2018

  1. Nguyen Thi Kim Lan, Do Thi Lan Phuong, Phan Thi Hong Phuc, Pham Dieu Thuy, Dao Van Cuong (2018), A Study on the Prevelence of Cysticercus cellulose in Pigs of Son La Province, Vietnam, Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol-4, Iss-5. 30.5.2018. pp. 587 – 591.

In 2019

  1. Tran Nhat Thang, Hakimullah Hakim, Raihana Royan Rahimi, Madoka Ichikawa-Seki (2019), Molecular Analysis Reveals Expansion of Fasciola Hepatica Distribution From Afghanistan to China, Parasitology international

  1. Nguyễn Minh Ý, Pham Dieu Thuy (2019), A New Architecture of Energy Hubs for Animal Farms with Distributed Energy Resources, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems


In 2020

  1. Đang Xuan Binh, Phạm Thị Phương Lan, Nghiêm Ngọc Minh (2020), PREVALENCE AND VIRULENCE GENE OF SALMONELLA STRAINS ISOLATED FROM DUCKS IN NORTH VIETNAM, Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology   VOLUME : 27 NO. 1 YEAR : 2020

  1. Tran Nhat Thang, Severo Vázquez-Prieto 2, Román Vilas 3, Esperanza Paniagua 4, Florencio M Ubeira 4, Madoka Ichikawa-Seki (2020), Genetic diversity of Fasciola hepatica in Spain and Peru, Parasitology International